
Bare Bones in Port Elliot

Back to bare bones In Port Elliot - Internal asbestos removal, de-nailed, detailed and sealed with PVA glue. Safe and ready for the owners to renovate. Team Debuild.

kirsten millbank
Asbestos Walling 101

Walls can be a real mixture of products. . Once painted, it’s easy to be tricked into thinking that everything is the same product. You must remember that asbestos cement products were moulded into all sort of shapes.

Assess the texture of the wall surface – is it all the same; are there lines where repairs might have been inserted; is it smooth all the way, or are there cover straps over the joins; can you see nail heads sitting just above the surface; is there a chair rail or picture rail, dividing the lower from the upper wall sections.

There may also be mouldings in the corner. These may be curved and look like modern ‘quad’ or it may be an L shaped moulding.

Some of the old style internal air vents were also moulded asbestos.

There may be multiple layers to the walls. Look for any ‘tell tale’ signs that may indicate this such as pine lining boards which may be hiding the original asbestos cement sheet wall.

Once again if you are not sure please give us a call on (08) 707 8446. We are here to help!

Floor Asbestos Inside Your Home

Not sure if your floor is asbestos? Look at the floor coverings in each room.  You never know if the latest covering was laid directly over the top of an older one. It is very common to find multiple layers of floor covering over each other. There may be layers of asbestos cement sheet or other materials between the layers of vinyl.

You will be looking for Vinyl Tiles, Vinyl Sheet with paper or millboard like backing or even black adhesive (Blackjack) used to glue these items to the floor.  All these products could potentially contain asbestos.

Please call us on (08) 7070 8446 if you are not sure and need clarification. We are here to help.

Team Debuild.

Asbestos Fence Removal
Asbestos Fence

Asbestos Fence

Not sure if your fence is asbestos? We are happy to inspect and give you some advise on the best removal process for you and your neighbour. Call Team Debuild today on (08) 7070 8446

kirsten millbank
Asbestos Sheds

Do you have an old asbestos shed sitting on your property? We can help remove and dispose the asbestos safely and promptly remove the slab and any other materials. Call Debuild today for all your asbestos and demolition requirements.

kirsten millbank
What is Asbestos?

The use of asbestos in the building industry was banned in the 1980s because of its possible life threatening effects, but what is it  exactly and what are the dangers?

Asbestos in its raw form is a naturally occurring mineral that has a number of properties conducive to building construction such as sound absorption and resistance to fire and heat. It was first used approximately 4500 years ago when primal tribes from Finland used it to strengthen earthenware pots and cooking utensils. It has its modern origins in Quebec where it was first commercially mined, with the world’s largest mine located in the town of Asbestos, Canada. It was commonly used around the globe as a building material from the 1950s right through to the 1980s when many countries, after discovering its dangerous side effects completely banned its use.

Much has been said and written on the subject of asbestos, and in any article or discussion, the most common questions are what it is  and why is it so dangerous? Quite simply, this element is dangerous when it breaks down into small pieces –small enough that it can be inhaled and enter the lungs. Small particles become lodged in the lungs and the effects are not evident until anywhere from 15-40 years later. The three most common lung diseases as a direct results are lung cancer, mesothelioma and asbestosis.

If you think you may have a property that is affected or quite simply you have questions on what asbestos is, then please call us on 0478 148 105 for a quote and professional advice.

kirsten millbank